Wednesday, May 12, 2004

[ODCAD] Philips-High Effcient Polymer OLED

Improvement of power efficiency is critical for success of OLED display technology. Scientists from Philips claims that a breakthrough in that aspect has been made.

One development Philips made is using proper hole transportation layer (HTL) material. Usually, conductive polymer has more hole injected than electron, which results in waste of energy from extra hole. Choosing proper HTL material to reduce the hole injected can improve the power efficiency. (Sounds like anode junction barrier is increased) The quantum efficiency has been raised to 12% that is about 3 to 6 times higher than standard OLED devices.

Another development Philips made is dispersing a phosphorescent guest material into a light emitting polymer host. The polymer host used by Philips is carbazole-oxadiazole derivative. The guest material is iridium complex. A research fellow Meulenkamp from Philips presented the work on April 28, 2004 at the International Society for Optical Engineering's Photonics Europe conference in Strasbourg, France. Philips expects that these developments can significantly improve polymer OLED (PLED) device performance.

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Saturday, May 01, 2004

[ODCAD] Blue Color Life of OLED

The industry standard for display device life is 100,000 hrs. LCD and Plasma are two popular FPD technologies. All of them have reached this standard.

Color of OLED can be achieved by three elemental color materials. Each material gives one of the colors Red, Yellow and Blue. There are the other technologies to achieve full color of OLED, which will be covered later.

One of targets of OLED is to increase the life of each color material. This is particularly true for Blue color material. The longest life for this is 45,000 hr (this is my knowledge, you may share with us if you have the latest info). For chemist, material scientist, it is a great job ahead of them.

ODCAD from OD Software Incorporated (ODSI) ( expert, and tookit provider of electronic material and device.